Okay, so as you have seen, I have not been around my Blog much lately. Why you ask? (This is me assuming you asked...ahem) It's because I have been sucked into the Facebook black hole. I always told myself I would not let that happen, but alas it has happened. And I can only juggle up to two forms of social media at a time, or something. And I've been doing a high concentration of stuff for my sign language business - so my Facebook has been getting updated frequently, as well as my business website. So, there you have it, I have reached my two forms. And here my poor, neglected, blog sits...with nary an update. :(
I have an iPhone and Facebook has an APP, and it's just so handy! I can post pictures, I can check my News Feeds, I can see what Events I have coming up. It really is pretty darn awesome! So I guess I have to find a blogging app so that I can do that from wherever I happen to be that's not in front of my laptop.
So, I apologize for not being more diligent in updating my blog more often.
And I have not taken to Tweeting...although I do have a Twitter account hanging out there somewhere. So maybe that will be my next area of exploration.
Until then, here's a link to my Facebook Album with some very recent pictures of the kiddos from Labor Day weekend!