I have an iPhone and Facebook has an APP, and it's just so handy! I can post pictures, I can check my News Feeds, I can see what Events I have coming up. It really is pretty darn awesome! So I guess I have to find a blogging app so that I can do that from wherever I happen to be that's not in front of my laptop.
So, I apologize for not being more diligent in updating my blog more often.
And I have not taken to Tweeting...although I do have a Twitter account hanging out there somewhere. So maybe that will be my next area of exploration.
Until then, here's a link to my Facebook Album with some very recent pictures of the kiddos from Labor Day weekend!

Nice to see you back. I get caught up in it as well.
I'm SO glad to hear business is going well for you! I was just wondering about you the other day, Crystal!
Facebook is sooooo addictive.
Twitter is, too. (Once I figured out how to use Twitter. Took a while. I'm so smrt.)
I lurrrve seeing you on Facebook. If I didn't have you on at least one form of social media I would be seriously annoyed. ;D
I recently joined twitter myself. these socail media can be addictive.
Psssst! Hey, YOU!
I'm STILL laughing over Juan and Juan is two. That's the funniest thing ever. I keep saying it out loud, too. Because...well, because.
(I had sooo much trouble typing it, though. I kept typing 'one' and deleting it and retyping 'one'.)
Don't even think about Twitter. It is the great time suck. Although, I would love to see you on there since I'm on there ALL the time!!! xo
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