Yes, the title of my post is indicative of the fact that I have decided to become a Dolly Parton Impersonator....NOT! ;)
It's really because my Mom and Step-Dad moved to Texas yesterday...and that's what they say when people leave in Texas, right? Anywho, my step-dad grew up in a little town called Happy, TX...population 600-ish. Yes, as in 6 HUNDRED, not hundred thousand, just hundred. It is a good ol' boy hicktown where everybody knows your name, and it sounds pretty cute. I've never been there myself, but a few years ago, my mom and step-dad bought a house there for $5000, yes that's five THOUSAND, not fifty thousand, just five (hehe, sorry I'm on a roll with these dramatic explanations). And they thought they would retire there someday, once the veterinarian that my mom worked for in Fountain Hills retired and my step-dad got fed up with his job on the Ft. McDowell Indian Reservation...well, both of those things occurred in the last month. And we found out on Christmas Eve night that they were packing up all their stuff and moving to Texas on Monday morning because my mom got a job with the City of Amarillo (the closest "big city" to Happy) and she starts January 5th. I'm sort of sad, but we didn't really get to hang out with my mom that much anyway because she lived on the opposite side of town from us...isn't that sad? 35 miles is the OPPOSITE side of town and we couldn't go visit her more that I look at it like that, I'm feeling pretty lame. But, I know they are going to be happy there...they can get out of the hustle & bustle of the Phoenix Metro area...they aren't really H&B people. My grandma is REALLY sad though because they live in Fountain Hills and my mom used to stop by and visit with them all the time, and now she won't be able to, and we only get out there about once every week or two. My grandparents have had their house on the market for about 2 years now, and no takers. I used to have a selfish feeling about it and didn't want them to move (they wanted to go back to Vegas), but now that my mom is gone and they are considering moving to Texas, I've been praying that their house sells quickly so that they can be happy, even if I won't get to see them as often.
So...that's my post for the day. I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of 2008. I have BIG plans for 2009, I'm hoping they all pan out. :)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday Fill-In....On Tuesday
1. I must completely change the world before I die.
2. You can't stop an 18-wheeler on a dime (thanks for the newsflash Randy Travis...just kidding, I love that song).
3. I wish I never had to buy tampons again.
4. Jesus has helped me change my life.
5. I know the song Cleaning Out My Closet by Eminem by heart.
6. If I weren't so afraid, I would ski with reckless abandon, but instead I'm pretty much the only person that can ski so slow I'm actually going uphill.
7. And as for the weekend, Friday we watched Step Brothers, I have no idea what we did on Saturday (I seriously can't remember), we went to church, took the kids to the park, and said good-bye to my mom and step-dad (who moved to Texas) on Sunday.
2. You can't stop an 18-wheeler on a dime (thanks for the newsflash Randy Travis...just kidding, I love that song).
3. I wish I never had to buy tampons again.
4. Jesus has helped me change my life.
5. I know the song Cleaning Out My Closet by Eminem by heart.
6. If I weren't so afraid, I would ski with reckless abandon, but instead I'm pretty much the only person that can ski so slow I'm actually going uphill.
7. And as for the weekend, Friday we watched Step Brothers, I have no idea what we did on Saturday (I seriously can't remember), we went to church, took the kids to the park, and said good-bye to my mom and step-dad (who moved to Texas) on Sunday.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Reflection Time
I have to say...even with it's little hiccups, 2008 has been pretty freakin' awesome.
Aaron and I got married on January real "wedding" as I was about 2 weeks away from giving birth. We had been engaged since the August before, but for 'tax purposes' (my idea...lame, but whatever)...we held off until after the 1st of the year, so that we could both get our substantial tax refunds. hehe
Little Baby Pants was born on February 9th...she was due on the 5th, but made her debut on the 9th...fashionably late. We went riding on the quad a couple days before to get things worked. hehe. That whole experience could be a blog unto itself, but it was beautiful bringing another little creature into the world. February begins our slew of bdays...9th was Baby Pants, 13th was my Dad, 14th was my Grandpa and my BFF Gina.
During March, I was still on maternity leave enjoying the baby. I do have to admit I became somewhat of a hermit, and she and I were in my bedroom for most hours of the day. I think this was the first time I experienced some "Baby Blues". My little 'Cita turned 6 on March 30th! And we were only a couple months away from school being out for the summer.
In April, I went back to work part-time from home, as I tried to ease back into a work life away from the baby. That was pretty tough, much harder than having to do it with the older 3 girls...weaning from breastfeeding was harder too...don't know why, I was ready to jump off that train with the older 3 faster than you could say "bloody nipple" (sorry, gross I know). I turned 28 on the 22nd of April...oh 30, how you call out to me with promises of "got-it-together-ness" (here's hoping on that one). Oh and how can I forget, my SAM had surgery on my birthday at Phoenix Children's Hospital for her twisted ovary, very weird thing to happen to a 10 year old. My Mother-in-Law also had a bday in April on the 29th.
By May, I think I was back to working full-time, and on my way out of the Baby Blues...I had started exercising again, and was done I felt somewhat like "myself" again. The older girls finished up their school year, and they started hanging out with the two little girls at the babysitter's house. My step-dad and step-mom both have their bdays in May.
June, July and August are somewhat of a blur...there was swimming, boating, and off-roading involved. :) And my mom had her bday on 08/08/08 - cool huh? Oh yeah, in August we took our yearly trip to see my husband's grandma in Alamosa, CO. It's gorgeous there in the summer time...we see deer, go to the quaint downtown area, and spend time with Grandma Dean (this name boggled me, since her first name is Bertha and her last name isn't Dean...but after hearing the story, her middle name is Jean, and that was the name she went by, but she had a sibling that could not say "Jean" "Dean" stuck...for 80 years and counting...hehe). On the way back to Phoenix from Alamosa, we stopped in Pagosa Springs, CO to visit with one of my husband's high school friends whose parents have a GORGEOUS house on a lake note to self is to have a summer home there one day. The next stop was Farmington, NM...where my husband's dad and most of his side of the family live. It was their first time meeting Baby was really cute.
September my girls were back in school, 'Cita started 1st grade and SAM started 6th grade (her last year of elementary school...waaaah). We also took a day trip to Cottonwood and Jerome in September...the girls rode their quad and Aaron rode his dirtbike at an OHV park they have in Cottonwood, it was pretty fun! Then we drove up to Jerome and walked around and ate lunch, and played at a little park they had there.
October starts the next slew of birthdays...SAM turned 11 on the 28th, and my Nana had her 75th bday on Halloween! Of course we did the whole trick-or-treating thing, and ate buttloads of candy for a week.
The first week of November we went to Rocky Point, was my first time there, and BOY was it gorgeous. Can't wait to go back. It was also the week of my hubby' 28th birthday...and he got his first ever brand-new dirtbike which was AWESOME! Then on Nov 9th, SAM had to have the twisted ovary surgery AGAIN, this time they "tacked it down" with stitches...and I swear if it happens again, the girl is going to be in a medical journal or something. On Nov 14th, Monkey turned 4! We took her to the Phoenix Zoo with a friend for her bday present...and that trip occurred during the same time that Aaron's dad actually came to Phoenix for a visit (there's a blog about it down there somewhere, hehe). Thanksgiving was nice and major drama there.
And here we are in December...and the 23rd day! Crazy did we get here so fast?? So, this month we had the dirtbike incident with my hubby...which made me miss my kids' Christmas play at church and a couple PhoenixMommies events (dang him for lacerating his liver!). But he's alive and I'm grateful for that...we both have jobs during a time of "economic turmoil"...all of our family members are well...I feel like I'm continuing to grow and evolve into a better person...and all is good in My So Called least for now. :)
And since this is probably going to be my last post until after Christmas, Merry Christmas everybody!! :)
Aaron and I got married on January real "wedding" as I was about 2 weeks away from giving birth. We had been engaged since the August before, but for 'tax purposes' (my idea...lame, but whatever)...we held off until after the 1st of the year, so that we could both get our substantial tax refunds. hehe
Little Baby Pants was born on February 9th...she was due on the 5th, but made her debut on the 9th...fashionably late. We went riding on the quad a couple days before to get things worked. hehe. That whole experience could be a blog unto itself, but it was beautiful bringing another little creature into the world. February begins our slew of bdays...9th was Baby Pants, 13th was my Dad, 14th was my Grandpa and my BFF Gina.
During March, I was still on maternity leave enjoying the baby. I do have to admit I became somewhat of a hermit, and she and I were in my bedroom for most hours of the day. I think this was the first time I experienced some "Baby Blues". My little 'Cita turned 6 on March 30th! And we were only a couple months away from school being out for the summer.
In April, I went back to work part-time from home, as I tried to ease back into a work life away from the baby. That was pretty tough, much harder than having to do it with the older 3 girls...weaning from breastfeeding was harder too...don't know why, I was ready to jump off that train with the older 3 faster than you could say "bloody nipple" (sorry, gross I know). I turned 28 on the 22nd of April...oh 30, how you call out to me with promises of "got-it-together-ness" (here's hoping on that one). Oh and how can I forget, my SAM had surgery on my birthday at Phoenix Children's Hospital for her twisted ovary, very weird thing to happen to a 10 year old. My Mother-in-Law also had a bday in April on the 29th.
By May, I think I was back to working full-time, and on my way out of the Baby Blues...I had started exercising again, and was done I felt somewhat like "myself" again. The older girls finished up their school year, and they started hanging out with the two little girls at the babysitter's house. My step-dad and step-mom both have their bdays in May.
June, July and August are somewhat of a blur...there was swimming, boating, and off-roading involved. :) And my mom had her bday on 08/08/08 - cool huh? Oh yeah, in August we took our yearly trip to see my husband's grandma in Alamosa, CO. It's gorgeous there in the summer time...we see deer, go to the quaint downtown area, and spend time with Grandma Dean (this name boggled me, since her first name is Bertha and her last name isn't Dean...but after hearing the story, her middle name is Jean, and that was the name she went by, but she had a sibling that could not say "Jean" "Dean" stuck...for 80 years and counting...hehe). On the way back to Phoenix from Alamosa, we stopped in Pagosa Springs, CO to visit with one of my husband's high school friends whose parents have a GORGEOUS house on a lake note to self is to have a summer home there one day. The next stop was Farmington, NM...where my husband's dad and most of his side of the family live. It was their first time meeting Baby was really cute.
September my girls were back in school, 'Cita started 1st grade and SAM started 6th grade (her last year of elementary school...waaaah). We also took a day trip to Cottonwood and Jerome in September...the girls rode their quad and Aaron rode his dirtbike at an OHV park they have in Cottonwood, it was pretty fun! Then we drove up to Jerome and walked around and ate lunch, and played at a little park they had there.
October starts the next slew of birthdays...SAM turned 11 on the 28th, and my Nana had her 75th bday on Halloween! Of course we did the whole trick-or-treating thing, and ate buttloads of candy for a week.
The first week of November we went to Rocky Point, was my first time there, and BOY was it gorgeous. Can't wait to go back. It was also the week of my hubby' 28th birthday...and he got his first ever brand-new dirtbike which was AWESOME! Then on Nov 9th, SAM had to have the twisted ovary surgery AGAIN, this time they "tacked it down" with stitches...and I swear if it happens again, the girl is going to be in a medical journal or something. On Nov 14th, Monkey turned 4! We took her to the Phoenix Zoo with a friend for her bday present...and that trip occurred during the same time that Aaron's dad actually came to Phoenix for a visit (there's a blog about it down there somewhere, hehe). Thanksgiving was nice and major drama there.
And here we are in December...and the 23rd day! Crazy did we get here so fast?? So, this month we had the dirtbike incident with my hubby...which made me miss my kids' Christmas play at church and a couple PhoenixMommies events (dang him for lacerating his liver!). But he's alive and I'm grateful for that...we both have jobs during a time of "economic turmoil"...all of our family members are well...I feel like I'm continuing to grow and evolve into a better person...and all is good in My So Called least for now. :)
And since this is probably going to be my last post until after Christmas, Merry Christmas everybody!! :)
Friday, December 19, 2008
Friday Fill-In
Thought it might be fun to do one of these too...but excuse me if they aren't very brain is kind of fried today
1. Said the night wind to the little lamb, be vewwy vewwy qwiet, I'm a'huntin wabbit.
2. The first Noel, the angel did say, How's it going Shepherd's, I got some stuff to tell ya.
3. Snowbirds, Over the hills and everywhere.
4. It came upon the midnight clear, That if I'm still up, there better be a good reason.
5. Let your Stocking Be Heavy, Let your heart be light.
6. And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing, fa la la la la, la la la la?.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Friday Night Dinner, tomorrow my plans include Playdate at Erica's, Dropping off 'Cita with her dad for Christmas break and Sunday, I want to have a day all to myself, but that's never gonna happen...but maybe I could get "part" of a day!
1. Said the night wind to the little lamb, be vewwy vewwy qwiet, I'm a'huntin wabbit.
2. The first Noel, the angel did say, How's it going Shepherd's, I got some stuff to tell ya.
3. Snowbirds, Over the hills and everywhere.
4. It came upon the midnight clear, That if I'm still up, there better be a good reason.
5. Let your Stocking Be Heavy, Let your heart be light.
6. And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing, fa la la la la, la la la la?.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Friday Night Dinner, tomorrow my plans include Playdate at Erica's, Dropping off 'Cita with her dad for Christmas break and Sunday, I want to have a day all to myself, but that's never gonna happen...but maybe I could get "part" of a day!
Week in Review
Has it really been 8 days since my last post? WTF? Where have the days been going? So, I decided since I've been really lame and lagging on my posts, this one is going to be my Week in Review. But FIRST, I am taking a cue from my friend over at Don't Touch The Cactus (can't think of how to do the linky thing right now, and really don't want to search to find out how like I had to last time)...and I need to give my children pseudo-names (get it, play on words...hehe pseudonym...ok, it was funny to me)...because it gets tiresome saying "My 4 year old", "My 11 year old", etc...
So here goes:
My 11 year old is SAM (these are her initials, I was going to use "Beana" because this was her nickname when she was a baby, but I don't think she'd appreciate being called that now)
My 6 year old is 'Cita (we added 'cita to the end of her name when she was a baby because she was being babysat by a hispanic lady, and it basically means "little")
My 4 year old is Monkey, just because that's what I call her most of the time
And the baby (10 months) will be Baby was hard not to give her the name Sweet Girl, because that is truly what we call her most of the time, but Danielle already nicknamed her daughter that on her blog, and I don't want to confuse readers that read mine and hers. :)
Okay...and Now...for the WEEK IN REVIEW:
Monday - This was Monkey's first day at Pre-K at Tutor Time. She had been going to our wonderful day care provider who ran a licensed daycare out of her home, for just about 3 years now. But, she's getting to that age where she just needs a little more, and I was really going back and forth on making the decision, until my babysitter actually told me that she thought Monkey was getting bored, and that maybe a preschool program would be better for her. And I was already planning on putting her in Tutor Time for their Private Kindergarten next fall anyway, so I thought having her in the Pre-K program would get her ready. SAM went to Kindergarten at Tutor Time when we lived in California, and it was we'll see how it goes.
Tuesday - I worked from home, don't think I got very much done. When SAM and 'Cita got home from school, we went and got their hair cut, and made our first trip ever to Savers! That place is AWESOME! I thought it was going to be all ghetto, but it really wasn't. I got SAM a nice pair of jeans for $2.99! The whole reason for going there was to pick up some Christmas ornaments for their Girl Scout party because they were having an ornament exchange, and I really didn't feel like braving Target that afternoon. Oh, and I did put together our Family Christmas Cards and addressed and stamped most of them. My husband is still procrastinating and hasn't gotten me the addresses to the family members that he wants to mail cards to. So, who knows if they will get them on time or not...most likely not.
Wednesday - Worked in the office, rushed home to get all the girls and get home for dinner so I could get SAM, 'Cita and Monkey to their mid-week program at church called AWANA. Came home, played with Baby Pants for a little while, then had to go back to the church to pick up the girls.
Thursday - Drove down to Tucson for a meeting with a client. It took 3 1/2 hours to get there due to an accident on the I10. YUCK! Was down there til about 3pm, and got home by 5pm which was great. Had to run to Target last night because of course SAM needed graham crackers, frosting and candies to decorate her gingerbread house at school today...'Cita was having a melt down because she didn't get to finish her gingerbread house at school (they made theirs out of brown paper bags and paper cut out decorations), but we didn't have glue so she couldn't finish it at home I had to get glue at Target too. We also had to buy all of their Teachers Christmas Cards and Hot Cocoa packets, because I wanted to look like I "somewhat" have it together this year. Which brings us to...
Today (Friday) - Last night I was too tired to get miffed about this, but this morning boy did it get my panties in a bunch. So, last night I was looking through 'Cita's folder from school where they send home all their completed worksheets, etc. So, as I'm going through, it's your basic stuff, math, spelling, etc... Then I get to the packet that it looks like they were probably working on this week because it was the last week of school before Christmas...and I'm going to call it the "Holiday" packet. I'm thinking "Cool, they worked on holiday fun worksheets" (can you see where this is going?). Yeah, so as I'm turning the pages over, I see two worksheets related to Hannukah, two worksheets related to Kwanzaa, and then the rest of it is Santa, Rudolph, Snowmen, etc... Right, where the heck is the mention of Christmas??? NOWHERE TO BE FOUND! Now, let me tell ya, I do not get my panties in a bunch when people say "Happy Holidays" because it's sort of a blanket statement, and you can choose to appreciate it for whichever holiday you celebrate. However, I am NOT okay when a school decides it is OK to teach children about Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, and leave out Christmas. I am perfectly OK with my children learning about different religious traditions, I think it's great to learn about many things...but if you are going to teach about better teach about all, or leave it all completely generalized and only do Snowmen, Candy Canes, Gingerbread Houses etc. OK...could you tell I got worked up about that one?? hehe. Now I'm stuck with debating on whether or not I make a stink and send letters to the school board, principal, etc. I'm not trying to be a bible bashing Christian, but I think it's only fair if you are going to include some holidays, you include all. Phew! Okay, end rant on that one.
And end post for the day. :) Have a great weekend!
So here goes:
My 11 year old is SAM (these are her initials, I was going to use "Beana" because this was her nickname when she was a baby, but I don't think she'd appreciate being called that now)
My 6 year old is 'Cita (we added 'cita to the end of her name when she was a baby because she was being babysat by a hispanic lady, and it basically means "little")
My 4 year old is Monkey, just because that's what I call her most of the time
And the baby (10 months) will be Baby was hard not to give her the name Sweet Girl, because that is truly what we call her most of the time, but Danielle already nicknamed her daughter that on her blog, and I don't want to confuse readers that read mine and hers. :)
Okay...and Now...for the WEEK IN REVIEW:
Monday - This was Monkey's first day at Pre-K at Tutor Time. She had been going to our wonderful day care provider who ran a licensed daycare out of her home, for just about 3 years now. But, she's getting to that age where she just needs a little more, and I was really going back and forth on making the decision, until my babysitter actually told me that she thought Monkey was getting bored, and that maybe a preschool program would be better for her. And I was already planning on putting her in Tutor Time for their Private Kindergarten next fall anyway, so I thought having her in the Pre-K program would get her ready. SAM went to Kindergarten at Tutor Time when we lived in California, and it was we'll see how it goes.
Tuesday - I worked from home, don't think I got very much done. When SAM and 'Cita got home from school, we went and got their hair cut, and made our first trip ever to Savers! That place is AWESOME! I thought it was going to be all ghetto, but it really wasn't. I got SAM a nice pair of jeans for $2.99! The whole reason for going there was to pick up some Christmas ornaments for their Girl Scout party because they were having an ornament exchange, and I really didn't feel like braving Target that afternoon. Oh, and I did put together our Family Christmas Cards and addressed and stamped most of them. My husband is still procrastinating and hasn't gotten me the addresses to the family members that he wants to mail cards to. So, who knows if they will get them on time or not...most likely not.
Wednesday - Worked in the office, rushed home to get all the girls and get home for dinner so I could get SAM, 'Cita and Monkey to their mid-week program at church called AWANA. Came home, played with Baby Pants for a little while, then had to go back to the church to pick up the girls.
Thursday - Drove down to Tucson for a meeting with a client. It took 3 1/2 hours to get there due to an accident on the I10. YUCK! Was down there til about 3pm, and got home by 5pm which was great. Had to run to Target last night because of course SAM needed graham crackers, frosting and candies to decorate her gingerbread house at school today...'Cita was having a melt down because she didn't get to finish her gingerbread house at school (they made theirs out of brown paper bags and paper cut out decorations), but we didn't have glue so she couldn't finish it at home I had to get glue at Target too. We also had to buy all of their Teachers Christmas Cards and Hot Cocoa packets, because I wanted to look like I "somewhat" have it together this year. Which brings us to...
Today (Friday) - Last night I was too tired to get miffed about this, but this morning boy did it get my panties in a bunch. So, last night I was looking through 'Cita's folder from school where they send home all their completed worksheets, etc. So, as I'm going through, it's your basic stuff, math, spelling, etc... Then I get to the packet that it looks like they were probably working on this week because it was the last week of school before Christmas...and I'm going to call it the "Holiday" packet. I'm thinking "Cool, they worked on holiday fun worksheets" (can you see where this is going?). Yeah, so as I'm turning the pages over, I see two worksheets related to Hannukah, two worksheets related to Kwanzaa, and then the rest of it is Santa, Rudolph, Snowmen, etc... Right, where the heck is the mention of Christmas??? NOWHERE TO BE FOUND! Now, let me tell ya, I do not get my panties in a bunch when people say "Happy Holidays" because it's sort of a blanket statement, and you can choose to appreciate it for whichever holiday you celebrate. However, I am NOT okay when a school decides it is OK to teach children about Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, and leave out Christmas. I am perfectly OK with my children learning about different religious traditions, I think it's great to learn about many things...but if you are going to teach about better teach about all, or leave it all completely generalized and only do Snowmen, Candy Canes, Gingerbread Houses etc. OK...could you tell I got worked up about that one?? hehe. Now I'm stuck with debating on whether or not I make a stink and send letters to the school board, principal, etc. I'm not trying to be a bible bashing Christian, but I think it's only fair if you are going to include some holidays, you include all. Phew! Okay, end rant on that one.
And end post for the day. :) Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
So, I sat here for like 2 minutes to think of a clever title for today's blog, and I thought to myself "That's way too long to be thinking of a title, so this one gets to be unnamed". But let me give you a few examples of what ran through my head:
1. That Damn Cat (as I was thinking of names, my fat kitty was outside my bedroom door meowing and scratching (with her non-claws) at my door) And I kid you not, she is doing it again right this second. ugh
2. Huh (that's the noise I make when I'm thinking really hard)
3. I Want Candy (that song popped into my head while I was thinking)
4. Dude (I say that a lot, so that's why I thought of it)
5. I Should Be Working (self-explanatory)
I wish I had 5 more, so I could be like Letterman's Top 10 list, but I only have sorry about that.
I need to get my carpets cleaned, send some baby clothes to my step-mom so she can give them to her friend's daughter, organize my sh*t for a yard sale, finish laundry, clean the house, get rid of all my left over Mary Kay inventory, make an appointment to get my roots done, take my kids to get their hair cut, work on some Functional Spec documents for work (ick), fill out my 4-year-old's enrollment packet for Tutor Time (she starts their Pre-K program on Monday)...and that's all I can think of right now. Didn't really mean to make a laundry list of all my to-do's, but that's what came to my head, so that's what you get at 10:25pm on a Wednesday...which I thought was a Thursday because this whole week has been jacked with my husband being in the hospital. I thought tonight was the PTA meeting because I was pretty sure it was Thursday, so I had even arranged for my MIL to come over and watch the girls...but when I picked them up from their after school program today, the little bulletin board said 12/11...and alas, today is only 12/ I had to call my MIL and explain to her what a dork I was and ask if she would please watch the girls tomorrow since that's when the actual PTA meeting is. duh
I need a massage in the worst way, my back and neck are a freakin' mess...maybe I can pencil that amongst all the other crap I have to do. Oh yeah, and add to the list that I need an oil change. OH!! And Christmas shopping! Gee that's a pretty big one. I actually have all the females in my family shopped's just the guys now, and they should actually be pretty easy since dudes like just about whatever you get them. I always get some aftershave or cologne for my step-dad, and he always asks if I'm trying to give him hints that he stinks. hehe He doesn't stink. Aaron is getting underwear and some other practical stuff, since he got his big toy for his bday in November. My dad needs a straight jacket because he has been writing a computer program for real estate agents for about a month now, and when I talked to him yesterday he said he has been working at least 15 hours a day, and most recently pulled a 24 hour shift and only took a 3 hour nap after that. My dad is somewhat of a weirdo. And I'm getting my grandpa a book and maybe some cologne...I'm getting him the book "There are no atheists in foxholes"...I figure it's a book he can read while he's pooping and he might actually like the stories since he's an inactive Marine (he says you can't say 'ex-Marine' because once a Marine, always a Marine). My Father-in-Law will get some practical stuff too, cuz he won't buy new socks or underwear (or any type of clothing for that matter) for himself. I got him some warm flannel jammies and some socks last it's probably time to change the oil in the undies this year. And then my MIL's husband will probably get something golf-related since that's his pasttime. And now you also know my laundry list of Christmas presents. Man...sorry about my lame post topics.
Alright, I really do need to work on that Functional Spec thingie I mentioned before. Have a great night!
1. That Damn Cat (as I was thinking of names, my fat kitty was outside my bedroom door meowing and scratching (with her non-claws) at my door) And I kid you not, she is doing it again right this second. ugh
2. Huh (that's the noise I make when I'm thinking really hard)
3. I Want Candy (that song popped into my head while I was thinking)
4. Dude (I say that a lot, so that's why I thought of it)
5. I Should Be Working (self-explanatory)
I wish I had 5 more, so I could be like Letterman's Top 10 list, but I only have sorry about that.
I need to get my carpets cleaned, send some baby clothes to my step-mom so she can give them to her friend's daughter, organize my sh*t for a yard sale, finish laundry, clean the house, get rid of all my left over Mary Kay inventory, make an appointment to get my roots done, take my kids to get their hair cut, work on some Functional Spec documents for work (ick), fill out my 4-year-old's enrollment packet for Tutor Time (she starts their Pre-K program on Monday)...and that's all I can think of right now. Didn't really mean to make a laundry list of all my to-do's, but that's what came to my head, so that's what you get at 10:25pm on a Wednesday...which I thought was a Thursday because this whole week has been jacked with my husband being in the hospital. I thought tonight was the PTA meeting because I was pretty sure it was Thursday, so I had even arranged for my MIL to come over and watch the girls...but when I picked them up from their after school program today, the little bulletin board said 12/11...and alas, today is only 12/ I had to call my MIL and explain to her what a dork I was and ask if she would please watch the girls tomorrow since that's when the actual PTA meeting is. duh
I need a massage in the worst way, my back and neck are a freakin' mess...maybe I can pencil that amongst all the other crap I have to do. Oh yeah, and add to the list that I need an oil change. OH!! And Christmas shopping! Gee that's a pretty big one. I actually have all the females in my family shopped's just the guys now, and they should actually be pretty easy since dudes like just about whatever you get them. I always get some aftershave or cologne for my step-dad, and he always asks if I'm trying to give him hints that he stinks. hehe He doesn't stink. Aaron is getting underwear and some other practical stuff, since he got his big toy for his bday in November. My dad needs a straight jacket because he has been writing a computer program for real estate agents for about a month now, and when I talked to him yesterday he said he has been working at least 15 hours a day, and most recently pulled a 24 hour shift and only took a 3 hour nap after that. My dad is somewhat of a weirdo. And I'm getting my grandpa a book and maybe some cologne...I'm getting him the book "There are no atheists in foxholes"...I figure it's a book he can read while he's pooping and he might actually like the stories since he's an inactive Marine (he says you can't say 'ex-Marine' because once a Marine, always a Marine). My Father-in-Law will get some practical stuff too, cuz he won't buy new socks or underwear (or any type of clothing for that matter) for himself. I got him some warm flannel jammies and some socks last it's probably time to change the oil in the undies this year. And then my MIL's husband will probably get something golf-related since that's his pasttime. And now you also know my laundry list of Christmas presents. Man...sorry about my lame post topics.
Alright, I really do need to work on that Functional Spec thingie I mentioned before. Have a great night!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
10 Months Old Today
So, my littlest one in the crew is 10 months old today! YAY! It was a happy shining moment at a time when things are kinda sucky. I am truely grateful though, things could have been SO much worse with my husband's accident.
But anywho...back to my baby girl. As of today, she can pull up to standing and cruise around coffee tables, couches, etc...and push her little Dora ride-along toy around while she's walking behind it; she has 2 teeth (late teether); she says "Da Da", "Ma Ma", "Buh Buh Buh", and shrieks like a banshee sometimes; she waves Bye-Bye; she eats just about whatever you put in front of her; she likes to bite (mostly my jaw bone, ears and lips); she claps! (new development as of the past few days); she loves her older sisters; she still wakes up at 2:30am for a nighttime feeding (bleh...hey, her qualities can't ALL be cute and good...hehe); and she is starting to get big girl poop (had to throw a gross one in there too)
Keeping this one short, since my last one was really long and I actually SHOULD be catching up on some work right now since I haven't been in for the past two days. Nite!
But anywho...back to my baby girl. As of today, she can pull up to standing and cruise around coffee tables, couches, etc...and push her little Dora ride-along toy around while she's walking behind it; she has 2 teeth (late teether); she says "Da Da", "Ma Ma", "Buh Buh Buh", and shrieks like a banshee sometimes; she waves Bye-Bye; she eats just about whatever you put in front of her; she likes to bite (mostly my jaw bone, ears and lips); she claps! (new development as of the past few days); she loves her older sisters; she still wakes up at 2:30am for a nighttime feeding (bleh...hey, her qualities can't ALL be cute and good...hehe); and she is starting to get big girl poop (had to throw a gross one in there too)
Keeping this one short, since my last one was really long and I actually SHOULD be catching up on some work right now since I haven't been in for the past two days. Nite!
Monday, December 8, 2008
I'm husband is in the hospital due to a dirtbike accident he had yesterday, and I'm exhausted. But the poor guy is the one in the hospital bed, and can't sit up or get out of bed (not because he "can't", but because the doctor won't let him). He has damage to his liver...there was a bruise on it and then blood behind it, but he isn't "actively" bleeding according to the doctor. He was moved out of the ICU and onto a regular floor tonight, so that's a good thing. But he's going to be in the hospital for at least 4 more days for monitoring...I guess if he moves around too soon or does too much, he could rupture the spot that was bleeding and hemorrhage or whatever. That's a great thing to think about...especially since my husband will most likely NOT listen to doctor's orders as soon as he is released. This a guy who has skied (is that the past tense of ski?) with a broken tailbone, walked around with a broken ankle for several weeks before going to the doctor, and going to work the day after getting a concussion. SO...if they tell him he's supposed to "take it easy", we'll see how well that goes over. But I mean, this is totally serious...he could bleed to death internally if he messes up, ya know? And that's frustrating to know that your husband is going to try and get right back to his regular routine as soon as he is released from the hospital. Yesterday he was all "I'm sorry for being such an idiot" and today he's asking the doctor when he can lift weights again. Grrr.
I was supposed to go out of town for a business trip today, but I couldn't do that because of the hospital deal. My mother-in-law or my grandparents would have watched the kids, but I didn't want to be on the other side of the country if something happened to Aaron. We weren't sure what his treatment was going to be, and they said surgery was I didn't want to leave until I knew what was going to happen. This morning is when they told him they were probably not going to do surgery, but were going to have him under observation for 5 days. So, I just stayed with him at the hospital for most of the day...he slept a lot, which is good because your body heals when you are sleeping.
OH! And I forgot to mention one of the most awesome parts, that totally boosts my faith in people. The way everything happened was on Sunday, Aaron was going to go for a ride with his friends, and then be home by 3:30pm because our girls had a Christmas Play that started at 4pm. My grandparents got to my house at about 3:30 and we were waiting for Aaron to arrive...and it was about 3:45 and he still hadn't gotten to the I said, "Well, let's just go, and we'll save him a seat". As we headed off to the church, I called his cell phone and left him a message letting him know where we would be sitting. As we get into the church parking lot, my cell phone rings, and it says it's Aaron's phone, but when I answer it, it's his friend who starts off his conversation with "Aaron's okay...but". That's never good. But he said he thought Aaron bumped his head pretty good and hurt his shoulder, and that his wife was going to take Aaron to the hospital. I didn't really know what to do, because all of my kids were already inside the church on the stage getting ready to perform. So, I told him I would go over there after the performance because my grandparents would have to watch the kids. He didn't make it sound very serious at first, and as I mentioned above, Aaron has injured himself pretty good before and he was OK. But, it kept bugging me as I was sitting watching the play, so I went outside and called Aaron's friend again and he said I should probably get there sooner rather than later. So now I'm freaking out a bit. I go the back of the church and ask one of the gals who watches my baby in the infant room on Sundays when the play is going to be over. She says she thinks it was going to be another 20 minutes, and she saw the look on my face and asked "Why?" And I said, "My husband is in the hospital, he was just in a dirtbike accident." And she reaches for my baby and says "Go"...and I said, "I can't" and she says "Why?" And I say "I've got all 4 of my kids here, and my grandparents are here." And she says "I'll have my husband take you to the hospital, and you leave the two little girls here with me and I'll work everything out with your grandparents to make sure the girls get home." So, I left her with the diaper bag and the keys to my car, and I took off with her husband who I had never met before in my life, and he drove me all the way to the hospital and was even going to stay there with me if I needed him to. And the lady from church got together with my grandparents after the play and let them know what was going on and everything worked out OK. I was just so humbled that someone I barely even knew would extend that sort of kindness to our family, and I felt really blessed to be a part of our church community. We've only been going to this church for about 7 months, and this isn't the first time that people have shown extreme kindness to our family, and for that I'm really grateful and I thank God for leading us to this church.
At the same time, like I said before, I'm exhausted and probably pretty stressed. And my kids are fighting 11 year old is the instigator most of the time and I don't know how to teach her to be the bigger person when her sisters piss her off. She has to resort to being their age, and it's really frustrating. And then of course she tries to blame them for her behavior...and I'm like "They are 6 and 4, you are 11"...but she doesn't seem to get the concept that she should behave in a way that is more mature than her younger sisters. Don't know what I'm going to do about that either...but it's not just her, it's all of them. And most people who grew up with siblings tell me that it's normal for them to fight like that, but it drives me freakin' insane! I just don't understand how they can have common courtesy for their friends and strangers, but treat each other like crap.
Anywho...I have to get everyone ready for bed now...that was a pretty long one, sorry about that. Hopefully you aren't sleeping by now.
I was supposed to go out of town for a business trip today, but I couldn't do that because of the hospital deal. My mother-in-law or my grandparents would have watched the kids, but I didn't want to be on the other side of the country if something happened to Aaron. We weren't sure what his treatment was going to be, and they said surgery was I didn't want to leave until I knew what was going to happen. This morning is when they told him they were probably not going to do surgery, but were going to have him under observation for 5 days. So, I just stayed with him at the hospital for most of the day...he slept a lot, which is good because your body heals when you are sleeping.
OH! And I forgot to mention one of the most awesome parts, that totally boosts my faith in people. The way everything happened was on Sunday, Aaron was going to go for a ride with his friends, and then be home by 3:30pm because our girls had a Christmas Play that started at 4pm. My grandparents got to my house at about 3:30 and we were waiting for Aaron to arrive...and it was about 3:45 and he still hadn't gotten to the I said, "Well, let's just go, and we'll save him a seat". As we headed off to the church, I called his cell phone and left him a message letting him know where we would be sitting. As we get into the church parking lot, my cell phone rings, and it says it's Aaron's phone, but when I answer it, it's his friend who starts off his conversation with "Aaron's okay...but". That's never good. But he said he thought Aaron bumped his head pretty good and hurt his shoulder, and that his wife was going to take Aaron to the hospital. I didn't really know what to do, because all of my kids were already inside the church on the stage getting ready to perform. So, I told him I would go over there after the performance because my grandparents would have to watch the kids. He didn't make it sound very serious at first, and as I mentioned above, Aaron has injured himself pretty good before and he was OK. But, it kept bugging me as I was sitting watching the play, so I went outside and called Aaron's friend again and he said I should probably get there sooner rather than later. So now I'm freaking out a bit. I go the back of the church and ask one of the gals who watches my baby in the infant room on Sundays when the play is going to be over. She says she thinks it was going to be another 20 minutes, and she saw the look on my face and asked "Why?" And I said, "My husband is in the hospital, he was just in a dirtbike accident." And she reaches for my baby and says "Go"...and I said, "I can't" and she says "Why?" And I say "I've got all 4 of my kids here, and my grandparents are here." And she says "I'll have my husband take you to the hospital, and you leave the two little girls here with me and I'll work everything out with your grandparents to make sure the girls get home." So, I left her with the diaper bag and the keys to my car, and I took off with her husband who I had never met before in my life, and he drove me all the way to the hospital and was even going to stay there with me if I needed him to. And the lady from church got together with my grandparents after the play and let them know what was going on and everything worked out OK. I was just so humbled that someone I barely even knew would extend that sort of kindness to our family, and I felt really blessed to be a part of our church community. We've only been going to this church for about 7 months, and this isn't the first time that people have shown extreme kindness to our family, and for that I'm really grateful and I thank God for leading us to this church.
At the same time, like I said before, I'm exhausted and probably pretty stressed. And my kids are fighting 11 year old is the instigator most of the time and I don't know how to teach her to be the bigger person when her sisters piss her off. She has to resort to being their age, and it's really frustrating. And then of course she tries to blame them for her behavior...and I'm like "They are 6 and 4, you are 11"...but she doesn't seem to get the concept that she should behave in a way that is more mature than her younger sisters. Don't know what I'm going to do about that either...but it's not just her, it's all of them. And most people who grew up with siblings tell me that it's normal for them to fight like that, but it drives me freakin' insane! I just don't understand how they can have common courtesy for their friends and strangers, but treat each other like crap.
Anywho...I have to get everyone ready for bed now...that was a pretty long one, sorry about that. Hopefully you aren't sleeping by now.
Monday, December 1, 2008
December Already!!
It's 5:10pm and I should be leaving work to make sure I pick up the kids on time, but I haven't this will be brief.
Thanksgiving was major drama. Day after Thanksgiving I took the kiddos out to my grandparents and let the 3 older girls spend the night, so they could do Christmas decorating. Hubby and I watched "Flightplan" that night after the baby went to sleep. Saturday afternoon I picked up the girls, and we just came home and hung out for awhile. Saturday night I went out to Fountain Hills to hang out with my best girlfriends from BFF lives in Germany now, so we only see each other about once a year. Sunday I sang at church, then came home, ate lunch and drove back out to Fountain Hills with all the kids to see my BFFs kids and her brothers' kids. In total, there were 11 kids at their house including my 4. Crazy stuff! But it was really fun. Sunday evening just had dinner at home, and got everyone ready for the week.
My daughter procrastinated on her science project, so I spent the last 20 minutes downloading Hurricane Summaries for the last 5 years...yay me.
Okay, gotta go now so I'm not late picking up the kiddos...
Thanksgiving was major drama. Day after Thanksgiving I took the kiddos out to my grandparents and let the 3 older girls spend the night, so they could do Christmas decorating. Hubby and I watched "Flightplan" that night after the baby went to sleep. Saturday afternoon I picked up the girls, and we just came home and hung out for awhile. Saturday night I went out to Fountain Hills to hang out with my best girlfriends from BFF lives in Germany now, so we only see each other about once a year. Sunday I sang at church, then came home, ate lunch and drove back out to Fountain Hills with all the kids to see my BFFs kids and her brothers' kids. In total, there were 11 kids at their house including my 4. Crazy stuff! But it was really fun. Sunday evening just had dinner at home, and got everyone ready for the week.
My daughter procrastinated on her science project, so I spent the last 20 minutes downloading Hurricane Summaries for the last 5 years...yay me.
Okay, gotta go now so I'm not late picking up the kiddos...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
It's Raining...It's Pouring
The Old Man is...well, you know how the song goes. :)
Anywho...I LOVE the rain. I guess it's because we don't see it very often out here in the AZ. However, my best friend who just came here from Germany for the holidays is probably pissed. Apparently it rains all the time in Germany, and she was probably hoping for some sunshine...which we had been having plenty of until she got into town. hehe
Today is a technical Friday for me since we have Thursday & Friday off for Thanksgiving. woo hoo! It is also Massage Wednesday again, yippee! And this will be like a double massage for me, because I convinced hubby to give me a massage last night, hehe.
Oh and since I don't have anyone else to really tell, and no one would probably care anyway, but I think it's funny...I'm going to post it here. So, last night I had band practice for the church band. One of the songs that we are singing has a line it that says "Healer of my pain, grief and agony"...well the grief and agony part ends up sounding like "gree fanag ony" and it's funny, at least to me it is. :) But I feel better now that I've shared the humor that I found in this, and maybe you will think it's funny too.
We're having a Thanksgiving Eve service tonight at our church...I don't think I've ever been to a church that had a Thanksgiving Eve service. But it should be pretty cool...they are pretty much just going to open up a mic to give people the opportunity to share what they are thankful for.
OK...gotta get going now, because I have like 5 more SOWs to finish by Noon. Yay Me.
Anywho...I LOVE the rain. I guess it's because we don't see it very often out here in the AZ. However, my best friend who just came here from Germany for the holidays is probably pissed. Apparently it rains all the time in Germany, and she was probably hoping for some sunshine...which we had been having plenty of until she got into town. hehe
Today is a technical Friday for me since we have Thursday & Friday off for Thanksgiving. woo hoo! It is also Massage Wednesday again, yippee! And this will be like a double massage for me, because I convinced hubby to give me a massage last night, hehe.
Oh and since I don't have anyone else to really tell, and no one would probably care anyway, but I think it's funny...I'm going to post it here. So, last night I had band practice for the church band. One of the songs that we are singing has a line it that says "Healer of my pain, grief and agony"...well the grief and agony part ends up sounding like "gree fanag ony" and it's funny, at least to me it is. :) But I feel better now that I've shared the humor that I found in this, and maybe you will think it's funny too.
We're having a Thanksgiving Eve service tonight at our church...I don't think I've ever been to a church that had a Thanksgiving Eve service. But it should be pretty cool...they are pretty much just going to open up a mic to give people the opportunity to share what they are thankful for.
OK...gotta get going now, because I have like 5 more SOWs to finish by Noon. Yay Me.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I'm the Mashed Potatoes
You Are Mashed Potatoes |
![]() Ordinary, comforting, and more than a little predictable You're the glue that holds everyone together. |
Nothing Exciting
Well, not much has happened from yesterday to today, so this is going to be kind of a boring post. I have gotten a lot of work done so far today...I am in the office on my work-from-home day because we are having a "going away" party for one of our Developers. She's from the Phillipines (but she's Chinese) and she's been out here for a couple of months now, and she finally gets to go back home. So, being the nice person that I am, I drove all the way to Chandler today to go to her lunch thingie. But afterwards I will be going home for the remainder of the day to finish up some SOW's (Statement of Work...for those of you who aren't into project-based work). It is my first crack at it, so wish me luck.
Tomorrow is the last day of the work week...yippee. And then it's Thanksgiving! We're going to my MIL's house this year, and it should be nice. My hubby's grandma is in town from Alamosa, CO. She actually came over for dinner last night since she got in yesterday afternoon. It was nice to see her, she's a really neat gal. She's like 80 years old and still sharp as a tack. :) We actually go to her house for our summer vacations because Alamosa in the summertime is BEAUTIFUL...but winter is 30 below or some crazy crap like that. Yeesh!
Oh...and I'm working on keeping up my jazzy-ness for a business I want to start. I think it's a really good idea, and I'm seeing it all panning out...I just hope I don't lose my excitement because that's usually what happens to me. Not gonna post too much about it here until I have my business license and such, cuz I don't want anyone to steal my idea. hehe Like I have TONS of readers just waiting to steal my business ideas. LOL!
K...time to go eat at the Chiz-eese-Cake Factory for the going away luncheroo!
Tomorrow is the last day of the work week...yippee. And then it's Thanksgiving! We're going to my MIL's house this year, and it should be nice. My hubby's grandma is in town from Alamosa, CO. She actually came over for dinner last night since she got in yesterday afternoon. It was nice to see her, she's a really neat gal. She's like 80 years old and still sharp as a tack. :) We actually go to her house for our summer vacations because Alamosa in the summertime is BEAUTIFUL...but winter is 30 below or some crazy crap like that. Yeesh!
Oh...and I'm working on keeping up my jazzy-ness for a business I want to start. I think it's a really good idea, and I'm seeing it all panning out...I just hope I don't lose my excitement because that's usually what happens to me. Not gonna post too much about it here until I have my business license and such, cuz I don't want anyone to steal my idea. hehe Like I have TONS of readers just waiting to steal my business ideas. LOL!
K...time to go eat at the Chiz-eese-Cake Factory for the going away luncheroo!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday Monday
So, I haven't blogged since Thursday so lets recap shall we?
Friday I had a meeting in Tucson to do requirements gathering for several projects we are going to be kicking off with a new client. We left our office in Chandler at 8am, to get to the meeting at 10. We were in the meeting until 2:30, got back to Phoenix about 4:30ish. I scrambled to get my Phoenix Zoo membership bought online because I was taking the girls to the zoo on Saturday, and I had procrastinated (gee, what a shock). I had to have Aaron call me when he got home to read me the Promo Code so I could save $11. yippee! Friday night we did Friday Night Dinner at Durazzo's...where my meatloaf was SUPER salty and I didn't eat very much of it. After the 3 younger girls went to bed, I took my oldest to the 9:40pm showing of Twilight...there was no line, but the theater was pretty full so we had to sit down in those seats where you have to strain your neck to look up at the screen. Of course it wasn't as good as the book, the characters were not who I would have pictured any of them to look like, I think Jacob was the closest to what I pictured (but did you know that Jacob was "Shark Boy"?? My daughter pointed that out to me!). The acting was pretty bad in my opinion, it just didn't seem like there was very much chemistry between Edward and Bella except during the parts where the camera was just spinning around them, but you couldn't actually hear them talking, it was just the soundtrack in the background. That was when the relationship looked the most "real" to me. I think their effect for their skin in the sunlight was cheesy...but I also heard that they did not have a very big budget for this I guess it was pretty good for what they had. I will look forward to the next movie and hopefully it will be better. :)
Saturday I took all 4 girls to the was sort of for my 4 year old's bday even though her bday was the weekend before. We went with our friends and their little girl. Everyone had fun, even though my 4 year old kept asking about riding the dang carousel every 2 seconds. We only made it about 3 hours...then we went to lunch at NYPD pizza, it was YUMMY! After we got home, I laid down with the baby and took about a 2 hour nap. Aaron had been with his Dad at the boat races all day...he got home about 5:30 or so. We had dinner and that was about it for Saturday.
Sunday morning I was singing in choir at church, so I had to be there at 9am. We were having a combined service called "Together at 10", where instead of having an 845 and a 1030, we just moosh them together at 10. It was their annual administrative meeting pretty much...where they elect or re-elect board members, talk about the budget for the upcoming year, and have a big BBQ. It was pretty informative, and I'm actually glad that they share that information with us. I know some people get their panties in a bunch when churches talk money, but I would rather know where my money is going than be kept in the dark, ya know? And we have a pretty awesome church in my humble opinion. We've only been going since June/July of this year, and are already more connected than at any church I've attended in the past 10 years. Well, I can't say that...because I did love my church in Vegas too...but that's been like 7 years ago now. Anywho, after church we ate lunch, and I tried to take a nap, but didn't get a very good one. I cleaned the house...then, about 5pm the baby decided she needed to take an hour power nap...which I took with her, and it was really all I needed to feel energized. Got up, ate dinner, Aaron's mom came over to watch the kids and Aaron and I went to go see a movie. It was nice of him to arrange that...he said since he had been with his dad all weekend he wanted to make sure we had some time too so he could let me know I was "numero uno". Awww how sweet, hehe. it's Monday and I have a bunch of crap to do this week seeing as it's only a 3-day week. But I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving! Oh, and my best friend since 6th grade is in town for a couple of weeks! She lives in Germany with her husband and kids since her hubby is in the Air Force they are stationed at a base I don't get to see her very often.
Okay...that's it for now. Have a great Monday!
Friday I had a meeting in Tucson to do requirements gathering for several projects we are going to be kicking off with a new client. We left our office in Chandler at 8am, to get to the meeting at 10. We were in the meeting until 2:30, got back to Phoenix about 4:30ish. I scrambled to get my Phoenix Zoo membership bought online because I was taking the girls to the zoo on Saturday, and I had procrastinated (gee, what a shock). I had to have Aaron call me when he got home to read me the Promo Code so I could save $11. yippee! Friday night we did Friday Night Dinner at Durazzo's...where my meatloaf was SUPER salty and I didn't eat very much of it. After the 3 younger girls went to bed, I took my oldest to the 9:40pm showing of Twilight...there was no line, but the theater was pretty full so we had to sit down in those seats where you have to strain your neck to look up at the screen. Of course it wasn't as good as the book, the characters were not who I would have pictured any of them to look like, I think Jacob was the closest to what I pictured (but did you know that Jacob was "Shark Boy"?? My daughter pointed that out to me!). The acting was pretty bad in my opinion, it just didn't seem like there was very much chemistry between Edward and Bella except during the parts where the camera was just spinning around them, but you couldn't actually hear them talking, it was just the soundtrack in the background. That was when the relationship looked the most "real" to me. I think their effect for their skin in the sunlight was cheesy...but I also heard that they did not have a very big budget for this I guess it was pretty good for what they had. I will look forward to the next movie and hopefully it will be better. :)
Saturday I took all 4 girls to the was sort of for my 4 year old's bday even though her bday was the weekend before. We went with our friends and their little girl. Everyone had fun, even though my 4 year old kept asking about riding the dang carousel every 2 seconds. We only made it about 3 hours...then we went to lunch at NYPD pizza, it was YUMMY! After we got home, I laid down with the baby and took about a 2 hour nap. Aaron had been with his Dad at the boat races all day...he got home about 5:30 or so. We had dinner and that was about it for Saturday.
Sunday morning I was singing in choir at church, so I had to be there at 9am. We were having a combined service called "Together at 10", where instead of having an 845 and a 1030, we just moosh them together at 10. It was their annual administrative meeting pretty much...where they elect or re-elect board members, talk about the budget for the upcoming year, and have a big BBQ. It was pretty informative, and I'm actually glad that they share that information with us. I know some people get their panties in a bunch when churches talk money, but I would rather know where my money is going than be kept in the dark, ya know? And we have a pretty awesome church in my humble opinion. We've only been going since June/July of this year, and are already more connected than at any church I've attended in the past 10 years. Well, I can't say that...because I did love my church in Vegas too...but that's been like 7 years ago now. Anywho, after church we ate lunch, and I tried to take a nap, but didn't get a very good one. I cleaned the house...then, about 5pm the baby decided she needed to take an hour power nap...which I took with her, and it was really all I needed to feel energized. Got up, ate dinner, Aaron's mom came over to watch the kids and Aaron and I went to go see a movie. It was nice of him to arrange that...he said since he had been with his dad all weekend he wanted to make sure we had some time too so he could let me know I was "numero uno". Awww how sweet, hehe. it's Monday and I have a bunch of crap to do this week seeing as it's only a 3-day week. But I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving! Oh, and my best friend since 6th grade is in town for a couple of weeks! She lives in Germany with her husband and kids since her hubby is in the Air Force they are stationed at a base I don't get to see her very often.
Okay...that's it for now. Have a great Monday!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Christmas Tag YAY!
I was tagged by Danielle over at Don't Touch The Cactus (unless she has another Blogger-friend named Crystal, in which case I'm a total dork) I am supposed to answer all of the below questions and then tag another blogger to do the same. Check the bottom to see who I tagged!
Let's Go!
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I do like wrapping paper, I just feel more "crafty" when I'm using scissors and tape. But some gifts do require the occasional gift bag.
2. Real tree or Artificial? Ours is artificial...I just kinda don't want to go through the hassle of a real one. Plus then you have to buy one every year and who wants to do that?
3. When do you put up the tree? I would like to say the weekend after Thanksgiving, but it happens pretty much whenever the heck I get around to it.
4. When do you take the tree down? Our tree last year was up until almost February! hehe
5. Do you like eggnog? Ummm...ewww
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Danielle sparked a memory with her Barbie townhouse, I think mine was probably my Barbie Corvette!
7. Hardest person to buy for? My grandma
8. Easiest person to buy for? The kids!
9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, but not a really neat fancy one...ours is like an all-in-one piece and when you push a button it tells a little story
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail.
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? NKOTB CD
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? I don't have one
13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? I'm sure I have
14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Cookies with frosting!
15. Lights on the tree? Ours are blue
16. Favorite Christmas song? O Holy Night, Mary Did You Know
17. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Stay home
18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Ummm...Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donder (and yes I'm pretty sure there's a "d" in it), Blitzen and Rudolph
19. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel
20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? We do presents on Eve, Santa's presents on morning
21. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? The malls being ultra crowded
22. Favorite ornament theme or color? Ours is blue, white and silver
23. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Well, I don't know if it's my "favorite" but it's what we do...Spaghetti on Christmas Eve and Ham on Christmas Day. I do love me some stuffing though.
24. What do you want for Christmas this year? I never know the answer to this
25. Who is most likely to respond to this? Well whoever I tag better do it damnit. (keeping Danielle's answer, hehe)
26. Does Santa wrap your gift or leave them unwrapped? I don't remember...I have ultra bad memory
I tag Andrea!
Let's Go!
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I do like wrapping paper, I just feel more "crafty" when I'm using scissors and tape. But some gifts do require the occasional gift bag.
2. Real tree or Artificial? Ours is artificial...I just kinda don't want to go through the hassle of a real one. Plus then you have to buy one every year and who wants to do that?
3. When do you put up the tree? I would like to say the weekend after Thanksgiving, but it happens pretty much whenever the heck I get around to it.
4. When do you take the tree down? Our tree last year was up until almost February! hehe
5. Do you like eggnog? Ummm...ewww
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Danielle sparked a memory with her Barbie townhouse, I think mine was probably my Barbie Corvette!
7. Hardest person to buy for? My grandma
8. Easiest person to buy for? The kids!
9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, but not a really neat fancy one...ours is like an all-in-one piece and when you push a button it tells a little story
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail.
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? NKOTB CD
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? I don't have one
13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? I'm sure I have
14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Cookies with frosting!
15. Lights on the tree? Ours are blue
16. Favorite Christmas song? O Holy Night, Mary Did You Know
17. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Stay home
18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Ummm...Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donder (and yes I'm pretty sure there's a "d" in it), Blitzen and Rudolph
19. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel
20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? We do presents on Eve, Santa's presents on morning
21. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? The malls being ultra crowded
22. Favorite ornament theme or color? Ours is blue, white and silver
23. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Well, I don't know if it's my "favorite" but it's what we do...Spaghetti on Christmas Eve and Ham on Christmas Day. I do love me some stuffing though.
24. What do you want for Christmas this year? I never know the answer to this
25. Who is most likely to respond to this? Well whoever I tag better do it damnit. (keeping Danielle's answer, hehe)
26. Does Santa wrap your gift or leave them unwrapped? I don't remember...I have ultra bad memory
I tag Andrea!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Stoofed, Massages and Steve-O
Today was my co-worker Tana's one-year anniversary with the how time flies. We ate at Gardunos (sorry I don't have the squiggly thing to go over the "n"...just pretend it's there). I had the Asada Steak enchilada con arroz y frijoles (that's rice & beans for my non-Spanish speaking friends)...and now I am stoofed. That is my word for "stuffed" when I have eaten so much I pretty much feel like I'm either going to puke, or poop my pants. I would prefer not to do either one, but we'll see what happens.
On the bright side, it is Massage Wednesday...what is that you may ask? Above mentioned co-worker has a daughter who is a massage therapist. And our lovely bosses have her come in every Wednesday to give us 10 minute massages...yay! This is one of the main reasons that Wednesdays rock. I just hope I don't puke or poop my pants during my massage.
And finally, Steve-O...Steve is my Father-in-Law's name, and he came to town today. In the 3 years that Aaron and I have been together, every time Steve said he was coming to town, he never actually showed up. Aaron has actually been waiting at the airport for him, when he'll get a call saying that he couldn't get a ride to make his flight or whatever. So, I kinda waited until about 11am to call Aaron and see if his Dad made it; he was picking him up at 9am, so I figured if he didn't show again, it would have given Aaron a couple hours to cool off. But he actually came! So, now we have an interesting 3 or 4 days ahead of us...Steve is an alcoholic, but I'm sure Aaron is not going to let him drink while he's at our house because Steve is not so cool to be around when he's drunk. Steve is also on meds for depression, may possibly be bipolar as well...not sure. He's always been pretty decent when we've visited him in New Mexico...and he just met Audra for the first time back in August, and he was great with her. But we've never had him at our house for 4 days straight...wish us luck! Oh...and Aaron has a little brother who went to jail for beating up his dad awhile, maybe we'll try to avoid that reunion this time around. Family drama, gotta love it. NOT! (in Borat's voice)
On the bright side, it is Massage Wednesday...what is that you may ask? Above mentioned co-worker has a daughter who is a massage therapist. And our lovely bosses have her come in every Wednesday to give us 10 minute massages...yay! This is one of the main reasons that Wednesdays rock. I just hope I don't puke or poop my pants during my massage.
And finally, Steve-O...Steve is my Father-in-Law's name, and he came to town today. In the 3 years that Aaron and I have been together, every time Steve said he was coming to town, he never actually showed up. Aaron has actually been waiting at the airport for him, when he'll get a call saying that he couldn't get a ride to make his flight or whatever. So, I kinda waited until about 11am to call Aaron and see if his Dad made it; he was picking him up at 9am, so I figured if he didn't show again, it would have given Aaron a couple hours to cool off. But he actually came! So, now we have an interesting 3 or 4 days ahead of us...Steve is an alcoholic, but I'm sure Aaron is not going to let him drink while he's at our house because Steve is not so cool to be around when he's drunk. Steve is also on meds for depression, may possibly be bipolar as well...not sure. He's always been pretty decent when we've visited him in New Mexico...and he just met Audra for the first time back in August, and he was great with her. But we've never had him at our house for 4 days straight...wish us luck! Oh...and Aaron has a little brother who went to jail for beating up his dad awhile, maybe we'll try to avoid that reunion this time around. Family drama, gotta love it. NOT! (in Borat's voice)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Workin at Star-biz-ucks
So, Tuesday is one of my work-from-home days, but lately I've been finding it very distracting to work from home and I end up not getting too much done. One of my bosses says he likes to take his laptop to Starbucks and get work done I decided to give that a try this AM. And I've totally got a ton done! Well...that was until the stroller brigade stormed in. hehe I'm at the Starbucks at Desert Ridge, and there must be one of those stroller fitness groups that meets up here, because seriously like 10 women with all their kids just rolled through the door. They are actually on their way out right now, but a cute little blonde boy kept coming up to me and saying something that sounded like "Turkey"...but I asked him "Are you looking for a turkey?" And he said "Nooooooo". And he said "Tur-key" 'Hello lady, why are you not understanding what I'm saying?' But then he saw my laptop and said "'Puter?"...and that I got, and I said "That's right, it's a computer. Do you have a computer?" which I get the response "Turkey!" and he walks away. haha!
And just now I looked up and saw a couple ladies walking by with their kids and some huge slices of pizza and soda...and I'm thinking really? Pizza at 10:50am? But I guess it is ALMOST 11, and little kids probably eat earlier...but it just looks weird to me because I usually take a lunch that's closer to 1pm or later.
I think I'm going to have to move outside shortly (just waiting for my battery to charge back up to 100%)...because it's like Artic Tundra up in here. My nose is running that's how cold it is in here. And the muscles in my neck and back are tensing up because of the frigidness.
And that my friends, is my blog for today. Have a great one!
And just now I looked up and saw a couple ladies walking by with their kids and some huge slices of pizza and soda...and I'm thinking really? Pizza at 10:50am? But I guess it is ALMOST 11, and little kids probably eat earlier...but it just looks weird to me because I usually take a lunch that's closer to 1pm or later.
I think I'm going to have to move outside shortly (just waiting for my battery to charge back up to 100%)...because it's like Artic Tundra up in here. My nose is running that's how cold it is in here. And the muscles in my neck and back are tensing up because of the frigidness.
And that my friends, is my blog for today. Have a great one!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Rocky Point Pics...Just Kidding
Well, I tried to post my Rocky Point pics...and I even resized them on PhotoBucket and everything...but it didn't work. If I get it figured out, I'll post 'em later
Okay, my brain is functioning again
OK...I'm somewhat back to "normal" now, so this blog will be a summary of everything from last Thursday to current. :) I'll try to summarize as well as I can, otherwise we'll be here all darn day.
So...last Thursday was my busy day, preparing for Rocky Point and well as the "secret" that I had. I don't think anyone that knows my husband, would also be reading my blog, but I didn't want to take any chances. The "secret" was that I bought my husband a brand-spankin' new dirtbike for his bday. A 2008 Suzuki RM-Z450 to be exact, never been ridden...fuel-injected (whatever that means)...pretty sweet bike. I wasn't going to give it to him until Christmas, but he had an old bike that he was riding that broke down the last time he took it out, and it also didn't have the power that he needed at the motocross track, so I decided to give it to him for his birthday which was that Friday. So, my friend Erica's husband, Brian, who is now friends with my husband, helped me with the surprise by going down and picking it up from Apache Motorcycles...since I couldn't really be like "Honey, can I borrow your truck today?" Then, Brian brought it over to Aaron at about 3pm on Thursday...under the guise of going for an afternoon ride. Mind you, Aaron's bike was broken, so Brian told him he had a "loaner" bike from one of his buddies, so Aaron could ride his bike. So, when he got to the house, Aaron was like "Your friend lets you ride THIS bike? It looks like it's never even been ridden." Brian was like "Yeah, my buddy is pretty cool." At this time, I'm coming up behind them with my video camera, and Aaron asks "Who's your buddy?" And Brian points to me and says "That's my buddy" Aaron turns around and I say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Aaron was in shock and disbelief for about 10 minutes...I was really hoping he was going to jump up and down and shriek like a girl...but that didn't happen. Oh well. They took the bike out for a ride, I caught it all on video camera and it was awesome. (Okay so much for trying to keep this short)
Next Friday through Sunday we were in Rocky was GORGEOUS! The beach house was awesome, we had a great time hanging out with the kids on the beach and taking them into town for carne asada tacos and quesadillas. My oldest daughter caught hermit crabs, my middle two got their hair braided on the beach, and the baby just sort of hung out. It will probably be better for her after she's walking, so maybe we'll go again next year. It was a great first experience for us with Rocky husband had been before, but the girls and I had never been. However, Aaron had never stayed in a house that was right on the beach. It was pretty awesome...we shared the house with my friend and her kids, and another family and their two kids. But we felt like we were "rich" vacationers...hehe.
Monday it was back to work and school for everyone, that day was pretty normal.
Tuesday was Veteran's day, and my work-from-home I had my two school-aged daughters at home with me. That's when my oldest daughter's pain started...she had surgery on her left ovary on April 22nd this year (my 28th bday), and she was having pain in that area again. But, she's kinda at "that age" we weren't sure if it was "cramps" or something because it ended up going away. I still called her pediatrician though, and she said to call her surgeon's office and see if they could schedule an ultrasound. So, I did that...they said they could order a STAT ultrasound but that it would probably take 24-48 hours to schedule anyway, and that if she continued to have pain to just take her to the ER. She was fine for the rest of Tuesday.
Wednesday morning, my daughter had the pain again and I could tell it was worse this time. So, I got all the kids off to school and daycare and we headed down the Phoenix Children's Hospital ER. They did the ultrasound and confirmed that her left ovary was twisted again, and they prepped her for surgery yet again. The "usual" cause for an ovary to twist is a large cyst on the ovary that makes it heavy...however, Sereana did not have this. So, they really don't know what was causing hers to twist, and the surgeon said that it was really unusual for it to twist a second time. This time they put some stitches from the ovary to the abdominal wall to "tack it down"...surgeon said they don't do this the first time because there is no conclusive evidence that it prevents the ovary from twisting again, and it also causes scar tissue which can create its own problems. But because the ovary twisted the second time, he was going to go ahead and try this procedure. By the time we got to the surgery pre-op room, my grandparents and my mom and her husband were at the hospital. We sort of do this every time something happens to one of us, the whole famn damily converges on the location...hehe. It's funny when the doctor walks into the room to see 5 adults staring him in the face. Anywho, surgery took about 2 hours...then she had to hang out in the recovery area for another hour or two to make sure she was coming out of the anesthesia okay. Spent the night at the hospital, and got released Thursday morning around 10am. Took her home and let her relax for a little bit...then I took her over to my grandparents' house that evening because I figured she'd have a bit more peace and quiet over there than at our house with her 3 sisters.
Friday was a pretty "normal" day...I went to work and everything, and called to check on my big girl about 3 times, where she acted like a normal "tween" answering my questions in simple one-word answers. ha! It was also my third daughter's 4th birthday! My has the time flown!
Saturday was crazy again, because I had been planning on having my daughter's bday party on Sunday afternoon...but my husband thought it would be better to have it on Saturday afternoon. And of course because of all the hullabaloo from the week, I didn't do ANYTHING towards getting prepared. I was supposed to take my girls to another friend's bday party that morning, but didn't get to because I was cleaning the house in a frenzy. I also had to do the shopping to get the food, and hadn't bought any bday presents yet, so I had to do that too...and at some point I needed to put on makeup and get out of my "running around" clothes. But, the party went well...we just did a family party. I'm not one of those moms that can organize really cool parties for 10 other little kids and their parents. I think I did it ONCE when my oldest daughter was 5, and on a soccer team...we invited all the kids from the soccer team to a bday party at the park with one of those bounce house cost a fortune, and I never did it again. hehe
Sunday I was singing in our worship band at church, so I had to be there at 9:45am. Hubby brought the kiddos to church with him at 10:30...we got out at Noon. Went home, ate lunch...and I told Aaron I needed to have some time to myself (he had ridden his dirtbike for about 4 hours on it was my turn). So, Erica and I met up at Desert Ridge, got some Starbucks, talked and walked around the shops and stuff. It was a much needed break. Got home, Aaron went riding with Erica's husband and another buddy of his til about dinner time. My grandpa brought my oldest home from her weekend of recovery...we had home-made mac & cheese and hot dogs and everyone started their bed-time routine to get ready for the week.
And here we another Monday...Lord please fend off any further craziness...the holidays are gonna be enough. hehe
So...last Thursday was my busy day, preparing for Rocky Point and well as the "secret" that I had. I don't think anyone that knows my husband, would also be reading my blog, but I didn't want to take any chances. The "secret" was that I bought my husband a brand-spankin' new dirtbike for his bday. A 2008 Suzuki RM-Z450 to be exact, never been ridden...fuel-injected (whatever that means)...pretty sweet bike. I wasn't going to give it to him until Christmas, but he had an old bike that he was riding that broke down the last time he took it out, and it also didn't have the power that he needed at the motocross track, so I decided to give it to him for his birthday which was that Friday. So, my friend Erica's husband, Brian, who is now friends with my husband, helped me with the surprise by going down and picking it up from Apache Motorcycles...since I couldn't really be like "Honey, can I borrow your truck today?" Then, Brian brought it over to Aaron at about 3pm on Thursday...under the guise of going for an afternoon ride. Mind you, Aaron's bike was broken, so Brian told him he had a "loaner" bike from one of his buddies, so Aaron could ride his bike. So, when he got to the house, Aaron was like "Your friend lets you ride THIS bike? It looks like it's never even been ridden." Brian was like "Yeah, my buddy is pretty cool." At this time, I'm coming up behind them with my video camera, and Aaron asks "Who's your buddy?" And Brian points to me and says "That's my buddy" Aaron turns around and I say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Aaron was in shock and disbelief for about 10 minutes...I was really hoping he was going to jump up and down and shriek like a girl...but that didn't happen. Oh well. They took the bike out for a ride, I caught it all on video camera and it was awesome. (Okay so much for trying to keep this short)
Next Friday through Sunday we were in Rocky was GORGEOUS! The beach house was awesome, we had a great time hanging out with the kids on the beach and taking them into town for carne asada tacos and quesadillas. My oldest daughter caught hermit crabs, my middle two got their hair braided on the beach, and the baby just sort of hung out. It will probably be better for her after she's walking, so maybe we'll go again next year. It was a great first experience for us with Rocky husband had been before, but the girls and I had never been. However, Aaron had never stayed in a house that was right on the beach. It was pretty awesome...we shared the house with my friend and her kids, and another family and their two kids. But we felt like we were "rich" vacationers...hehe.
Monday it was back to work and school for everyone, that day was pretty normal.
Tuesday was Veteran's day, and my work-from-home I had my two school-aged daughters at home with me. That's when my oldest daughter's pain started...she had surgery on her left ovary on April 22nd this year (my 28th bday), and she was having pain in that area again. But, she's kinda at "that age" we weren't sure if it was "cramps" or something because it ended up going away. I still called her pediatrician though, and she said to call her surgeon's office and see if they could schedule an ultrasound. So, I did that...they said they could order a STAT ultrasound but that it would probably take 24-48 hours to schedule anyway, and that if she continued to have pain to just take her to the ER. She was fine for the rest of Tuesday.
Wednesday morning, my daughter had the pain again and I could tell it was worse this time. So, I got all the kids off to school and daycare and we headed down the Phoenix Children's Hospital ER. They did the ultrasound and confirmed that her left ovary was twisted again, and they prepped her for surgery yet again. The "usual" cause for an ovary to twist is a large cyst on the ovary that makes it heavy...however, Sereana did not have this. So, they really don't know what was causing hers to twist, and the surgeon said that it was really unusual for it to twist a second time. This time they put some stitches from the ovary to the abdominal wall to "tack it down"...surgeon said they don't do this the first time because there is no conclusive evidence that it prevents the ovary from twisting again, and it also causes scar tissue which can create its own problems. But because the ovary twisted the second time, he was going to go ahead and try this procedure. By the time we got to the surgery pre-op room, my grandparents and my mom and her husband were at the hospital. We sort of do this every time something happens to one of us, the whole famn damily converges on the location...hehe. It's funny when the doctor walks into the room to see 5 adults staring him in the face. Anywho, surgery took about 2 hours...then she had to hang out in the recovery area for another hour or two to make sure she was coming out of the anesthesia okay. Spent the night at the hospital, and got released Thursday morning around 10am. Took her home and let her relax for a little bit...then I took her over to my grandparents' house that evening because I figured she'd have a bit more peace and quiet over there than at our house with her 3 sisters.
Friday was a pretty "normal" day...I went to work and everything, and called to check on my big girl about 3 times, where she acted like a normal "tween" answering my questions in simple one-word answers. ha! It was also my third daughter's 4th birthday! My has the time flown!
Saturday was crazy again, because I had been planning on having my daughter's bday party on Sunday afternoon...but my husband thought it would be better to have it on Saturday afternoon. And of course because of all the hullabaloo from the week, I didn't do ANYTHING towards getting prepared. I was supposed to take my girls to another friend's bday party that morning, but didn't get to because I was cleaning the house in a frenzy. I also had to do the shopping to get the food, and hadn't bought any bday presents yet, so I had to do that too...and at some point I needed to put on makeup and get out of my "running around" clothes. But, the party went well...we just did a family party. I'm not one of those moms that can organize really cool parties for 10 other little kids and their parents. I think I did it ONCE when my oldest daughter was 5, and on a soccer team...we invited all the kids from the soccer team to a bday party at the park with one of those bounce house cost a fortune, and I never did it again. hehe
Sunday I was singing in our worship band at church, so I had to be there at 9:45am. Hubby brought the kiddos to church with him at 10:30...we got out at Noon. Went home, ate lunch...and I told Aaron I needed to have some time to myself (he had ridden his dirtbike for about 4 hours on it was my turn). So, Erica and I met up at Desert Ridge, got some Starbucks, talked and walked around the shops and stuff. It was a much needed break. Got home, Aaron went riding with Erica's husband and another buddy of his til about dinner time. My grandpa brought my oldest home from her weekend of recovery...we had home-made mac & cheese and hot dogs and everyone started their bed-time routine to get ready for the week.
And here we another Monday...Lord please fend off any further craziness...the holidays are gonna be enough. hehe
Friday, November 14, 2008
44 Odd Things I've a helluva week since last Thursday...but I don't feel mentally capable of blogging it all, so here's a survey from another blog I will give me something to blog about without having to use too much of my brain capacity, hopefully...unless the questions are hard. hehe
1. Do you like blue cheese? Yep, mostly just the dressing...but the crumbles over a salad or something are good too
2. Have you ever smoked? Yes
3. Do you own a gun? Not me personally, but there is one in the house
4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? The clear kind that tasted like blue raspberry I think
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Not generally
6. What do you think of hot dogs? They are pretty gross, but I eat them on hot dog night, usually with chili & cheese
7. Favorite Christmas movie? Don't really have one...I could pick something, but I really don't have one
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Some sort of energy drink...Monster, Amp, Rock Star
9. Can you do push ups? Yep...only a couple "real" ones, the rest are girlie ones
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My wedding ring (I know, you would think I'm "supposed" to say that....but I really absolutely love it)
11. Favorite hobby? Don't have time for a hobby...I guess singing in the church choir is kind of a hobby
12. Do you have A.D.D.? I think so sometimes...
13. What's one trait you dislike about yourself? Getting all jazzed up about doing something, and then not wanting to follow through after the jazzy-ness wears off. Guess I just haven't found that ONE thing that I'm completely passionate about enough to follow through
14. Middle name? Leigh
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. - I need new jeans, my office smells like blueberry muffin, and that's about it...just 2 thoughts, hehe
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? water, energy drinks, orange juice
17. Current worry? I'm not mentally worried about anything, but my body sometimes tells me different. My worries should be that my daughter will recover well from her surgery, and that I will somehow miraculously have the money to pay for the hospital bill...but my faith in God kinda keeps me from worrying about that stuff, cuz I know everything will work out.
18. Current dislike right now? Teenagers...they are really rude and inconsiderate these days...I just wanna smack 'em
19. Favorite place to be? As of this past weekend, in Rocky Point at a beach house with mi familia
20. How did you ring in the New Year? Very pregnant, putting together some drawers for the baby while listening to the Beatles' Greatest hits
21. Where would you like to go? Back to Rocky Point
22. Name three people who will complete this? Well I don't know, so if you have your own blog go do this too.
23. Do you own slippers? Not really slippers, guess they are called foot "cozies"
24. What color shirt are you wearing right now? Gray
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Haven't tried, but can't imagine it would be fun
26. Can you whistle? Yes
27. Favorite color? Blue
28. Would you be a pirate? Nah...I kinda like my current state of hygiene
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? Usually country ballads
30. Favorite Girl's Name? Sereana, Morgan, Mya and Audra (duh)
31. Favorite boy's name? Aaron I guess since I don't have a son yet, but we'd probably name him Aaron too
32. What's in your pocket right now? Nothing
33. Last thing that made you laugh? My daughter's her bday today, and she was laughing because she was so excited and said "I'm almost about to cry!"
34. Best bed sheets as a child? Don't remember
35. Worst injury you've ever had? a gash in my forehead that needed stitches
36. Do you love where you live? The neighborhood is growing on me
37. How many TV's do you have in your house? 4
38. Who is your loudest friend? I don't really have loud friends
39. How many dogs do you have? 0
40. Does someone have a crush on you? Don't think so...I believe Aaron and I are past the "crush" phase now, hehe
41. What is your favorite book? Anne of Green Gables
42. What is your favorite candy? Tootsie Rolls!
43. Favorite Sports Team? Don't have one
44. What song do you want played at your funeral? Yuck, don't want to think about that right now...honestly I don't think I want a song played at my funeral if I really think about it.
1. Do you like blue cheese? Yep, mostly just the dressing...but the crumbles over a salad or something are good too
2. Have you ever smoked? Yes
3. Do you own a gun? Not me personally, but there is one in the house
4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? The clear kind that tasted like blue raspberry I think
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Not generally
6. What do you think of hot dogs? They are pretty gross, but I eat them on hot dog night, usually with chili & cheese
7. Favorite Christmas movie? Don't really have one...I could pick something, but I really don't have one
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Some sort of energy drink...Monster, Amp, Rock Star
9. Can you do push ups? Yep...only a couple "real" ones, the rest are girlie ones
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My wedding ring (I know, you would think I'm "supposed" to say that....but I really absolutely love it)
11. Favorite hobby? Don't have time for a hobby...I guess singing in the church choir is kind of a hobby
12. Do you have A.D.D.? I think so sometimes...
13. What's one trait you dislike about yourself? Getting all jazzed up about doing something, and then not wanting to follow through after the jazzy-ness wears off. Guess I just haven't found that ONE thing that I'm completely passionate about enough to follow through
14. Middle name? Leigh
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. - I need new jeans, my office smells like blueberry muffin, and that's about it...just 2 thoughts, hehe
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? water, energy drinks, orange juice
17. Current worry? I'm not mentally worried about anything, but my body sometimes tells me different. My worries should be that my daughter will recover well from her surgery, and that I will somehow miraculously have the money to pay for the hospital bill...but my faith in God kinda keeps me from worrying about that stuff, cuz I know everything will work out.
18. Current dislike right now? Teenagers...they are really rude and inconsiderate these days...I just wanna smack 'em
19. Favorite place to be? As of this past weekend, in Rocky Point at a beach house with mi familia
20. How did you ring in the New Year? Very pregnant, putting together some drawers for the baby while listening to the Beatles' Greatest hits
21. Where would you like to go? Back to Rocky Point
22. Name three people who will complete this? Well I don't know, so if you have your own blog go do this too.
23. Do you own slippers? Not really slippers, guess they are called foot "cozies"
24. What color shirt are you wearing right now? Gray
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Haven't tried, but can't imagine it would be fun
26. Can you whistle? Yes
27. Favorite color? Blue
28. Would you be a pirate? Nah...I kinda like my current state of hygiene
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? Usually country ballads
30. Favorite Girl's Name? Sereana, Morgan, Mya and Audra (duh)
31. Favorite boy's name? Aaron I guess since I don't have a son yet, but we'd probably name him Aaron too
32. What's in your pocket right now? Nothing
33. Last thing that made you laugh? My daughter's her bday today, and she was laughing because she was so excited and said "I'm almost about to cry!"
34. Best bed sheets as a child? Don't remember
35. Worst injury you've ever had? a gash in my forehead that needed stitches
36. Do you love where you live? The neighborhood is growing on me
37. How many TV's do you have in your house? 4
38. Who is your loudest friend? I don't really have loud friends
39. How many dogs do you have? 0
40. Does someone have a crush on you? Don't think so...I believe Aaron and I are past the "crush" phase now, hehe
41. What is your favorite book? Anne of Green Gables
42. What is your favorite candy? Tootsie Rolls!
43. Favorite Sports Team? Don't have one
44. What song do you want played at your funeral? Yuck, don't want to think about that right now...honestly I don't think I want a song played at my funeral if I really think about it.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Chicken With My Head Cut Off today is going to be INCREDIBLY busy. My only down-time is going to be from right now (8:58am) to about 10:30am...even though it's going to probably be more like 11am.
10am - Web Call with my best friend Gina in Germany (should keep it to 30 minutes even though I know that's not gonna happen)
1030am - Put some makeup on (haven't made it there this morning)
1100am - Out the door to the Vital Records department to get birth certificates for my 3 yr old and 9 month old. We're going to Mexico today or tomorrow and even though they pushed the deadline for requiring passports until June 2009, and they say you don't "really" need documents like that, they recommend having birth certificates and I really don't want to get stuck in Mexico. hehe
12pm - Hoping I'll be back home by this time. Have to prepare for my final Junior Achievement lesson at my daughter's school
1:15pm - Teach Junior Achievement
2pm - Conference Call with client
3:30pm - This is a secret...hehe (more on that later this weekend)
5pm - Pick up the girls and then try to pack....but we're not even sure if we're gonna leave tonight or go tomorrow morning. I'm almost for going tomorrow morning instead of trying to fumble our way through Rocky Point at 11pm. We haven't been before, so we don't really know where we're going. And if we left tonight, we'd get there and have to go to sleep anyway, so might as well sleep in our own beds tonight.
That is all for today. Oh, and my cat's poop stinks, just in case you all were wondering. I mean seriously, I can smell it all the way out in the living room. Sorry...gross, I know.
10am - Web Call with my best friend Gina in Germany (should keep it to 30 minutes even though I know that's not gonna happen)
1030am - Put some makeup on (haven't made it there this morning)
1100am - Out the door to the Vital Records department to get birth certificates for my 3 yr old and 9 month old. We're going to Mexico today or tomorrow and even though they pushed the deadline for requiring passports until June 2009, and they say you don't "really" need documents like that, they recommend having birth certificates and I really don't want to get stuck in Mexico. hehe
12pm - Hoping I'll be back home by this time. Have to prepare for my final Junior Achievement lesson at my daughter's school
1:15pm - Teach Junior Achievement
2pm - Conference Call with client
3:30pm - This is a secret...hehe (more on that later this weekend)
5pm - Pick up the girls and then try to pack....but we're not even sure if we're gonna leave tonight or go tomorrow morning. I'm almost for going tomorrow morning instead of trying to fumble our way through Rocky Point at 11pm. We haven't been before, so we don't really know where we're going. And if we left tonight, we'd get there and have to go to sleep anyway, so might as well sleep in our own beds tonight.
That is all for today. Oh, and my cat's poop stinks, just in case you all were wondering. I mean seriously, I can smell it all the way out in the living room. Sorry...gross, I know.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Thank Goodness
Okay, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm glad the election is finally OVER. Good Lord I didn't know how much more I could take. Not real sure what's going to be in store for us over the next 4 years, but my faith is in God, not the I'm sure whatever happens, we'll be fine. :) It is a really cool day in Black history though...if you would have said a couple hundred years ago that a black man would be the President of the United States, you probably would have been laughed at...or flogged, hehe. Were they still flogging people back then? hehe
It's Wednesday...middle of the week...gotta get a lot of stuff done today at work since I didn't get jack squat done yesterday with doctor's appts and voting and all that stuff. And we're preparing to go to Rocky Point for the weekend for my husband's bday which is Friday. It's my first time going to Mexico ever. We're going with a group that my friend has gone with twice a year for the past several years...they rent out a couple big beach houses in a gated community with a private beach, so it should be really nice. back to a little bit more about the election...I was thinking to myself this morning that during election time, our nation's people pretty much split themselves down the middle into Republicans and Democrats (of course there are the other parties too, but you know what I'm saying). We are no longer the American people during election year, we are divided...and not sure if anyone has read the scripture in the Bible where it says "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand" (Matthew 12:25)...but now that the election is over we better get back to being a united country. It's amazing to me that people will become so radical over a person, lashing out and defending their candidate through bitter conversations with people that oppose their views...but at the end of the day, we're all Americans living in the same country and we might as well hold hands and play nice.
Okee dokee, that's all for me today!
It's Wednesday...middle of the week...gotta get a lot of stuff done today at work since I didn't get jack squat done yesterday with doctor's appts and voting and all that stuff. And we're preparing to go to Rocky Point for the weekend for my husband's bday which is Friday. It's my first time going to Mexico ever. We're going with a group that my friend has gone with twice a year for the past several years...they rent out a couple big beach houses in a gated community with a private beach, so it should be really nice. back to a little bit more about the election...I was thinking to myself this morning that during election time, our nation's people pretty much split themselves down the middle into Republicans and Democrats (of course there are the other parties too, but you know what I'm saying). We are no longer the American people during election year, we are divided...and not sure if anyone has read the scripture in the Bible where it says "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand" (Matthew 12:25)...but now that the election is over we better get back to being a united country. It's amazing to me that people will become so radical over a person, lashing out and defending their candidate through bitter conversations with people that oppose their views...but at the end of the day, we're all Americans living in the same country and we might as well hold hands and play nice.
Okee dokee, that's all for me today!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Such a Dork
So, I wrote on my calendar on the fridge that my two daughters had their doctor appointments today. My baby was going in for her 9 month well-check and my 11 year old had to get some immunizations required by the school. So, we show up, I write our names on the list...they ask me for our last name so they could pull the charts and they aren't there. But not to worry they said, sometimes they aren't pulled the night before. Then they are going to check me in on the computer and they tell me "Actually your appointments aren't until THURSDAY". I say "Oh crap" and proceed to get ready to go, but then the gal says "But, your doctor isn't going to be working on Thursdays anymore, so lets see if we can just move you over to today". Which they were able to do, and my girls got their checkups after all. So I come home and check my Outlook calendar where I initially marked the appointment, and lo and behold, there it sat on THURSDAY's I wrote it down wrong on my fridge calendar. I'm such a dork.
So...then I was at Target during my lunch hour today, and I forgot my cell phone in the car...when I get back, I have 1 Voicemail. I listen to says "Hello. Did you VOTE yet??" It was my grandpa...he's also a dork, wonder where I get it from? But alas, no, I have not voted yet. Hubby said we would go together at 2pm, but then called and asked if we can go at 3pm. I'm working from home today, so our voting place is at a church right down the road...if we go much after 3 it's going to be PACKED as people are getting off work. So if he's not here by then, I'm going without him! hehe I'm such a rebel.
Oh yeah...and the word I was looking for yesterday was "therapeutic" came to me while I was standing in the kitchen at 3am this morning with a 9 month old that wanted to play instead of go back to sleep. OH the joys of being a mommy.
So...then I was at Target during my lunch hour today, and I forgot my cell phone in the car...when I get back, I have 1 Voicemail. I listen to says "Hello. Did you VOTE yet??" It was my grandpa...he's also a dork, wonder where I get it from? But alas, no, I have not voted yet. Hubby said we would go together at 2pm, but then called and asked if we can go at 3pm. I'm working from home today, so our voting place is at a church right down the road...if we go much after 3 it's going to be PACKED as people are getting off work. So if he's not here by then, I'm going without him! hehe I'm such a rebel.
Oh yeah...and the word I was looking for yesterday was "therapeutic" came to me while I was standing in the kitchen at 3am this morning with a 9 month old that wanted to play instead of go back to sleep. OH the joys of being a mommy.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Need to Do This More after reading a few cool blogs today, I realized that I really need to do this more. I used to journal all the time, but then I got paranoid that someone would find it and use whatever I wrote in it against me (which did happen once) I stopped writing things down with pen and paper. But it's so...crap, I can't think of the word...kind of like healing, I almost said "medicating"...haha, but neither of those are it...if you can think of the word I'm trying to say, 2 points for you! hehe (and leave a comment so I know what the heck I was trying to say).
Anyway, as of today, it seems as if the world is in turmoil over the financial crisis and the election, and "oh-my-gosh-what-are-we-going-to-do?"-ness. And as much as it sounds weird, I'm totally not freaked out. I've never been much of a political person, so I don't get as involved in it as maybe I should...I don't know, it just seems like people who keep tabs on everything going on in the world of politics are really stressed out. Like my grandma for instance...I swear, she emails me DAILY about the party she is not going to vote for (sorry, not making any political endorsements here...hehe)...and how I should be really concerned over the fate of our nation, yada yada yada. Even though she and I are both Christian, she truly feels that the fate of this country is in the hands of a person, rather than God...and I guess if I felt that way, maybe I'd be a little more freaked out. But this country has gone through several presidents, Democrat and Republican alike, and bad stuff has happened, but we've ridden the roller coaster and usually ended up okay. So...I'm pretty sure we'll end up okay again, regardless of who gets into office. God has a plan, and he can work his plan through whomever He chooses. Sorry, didn't really mean to get on a spiritual soapbox, but that's my thought on that.
Moving life seems to be pretty good right now. My girls are healthy, and growing and learning and being overall good kids. Of course they get on my nerves sometimes, and the baby waking up at 4am for the past month has been wearing on my energy...but I'm thankful that we've been safe, we have a roof over our heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, beds to sleep in, etc etc. Being thankful for those basic needs makes me realize how much more I have to be thankful for because we do have some of the things we "want" too. I've been teaching my daughter's 1st grade class about the economy at an age appropriate level though a program called Junior's been pretty neat to watch them learn, and understand the difference between a "need" and a "want". They are learning about families and their role in a community, how they work together to help each other, that people have to work in order to receive money to pay for the things they need and want, etc. And I feel good that I have the opportunity to be involved at my daughters' school (my 1st and 6th grader go to the same school). Hubby and I are arguing less, and when we do argue, it's more about trivial annoyances than huge issues...we've been married a little less than a year, but have been together for 3 years this month. So, I think we've sorted through most of the big issues...and I thank God that we're on the same page for a majority of those issues, or we can see the other's view point on the things we don't necessarily agree 100% on. Whew!
For stuff outside being a mom, I am trapped in the darn Twilight saga along with a gajillion other moms out there. I started reading it because my 11 year old daughter wanted to read the books, and I was going to read them along with her to monitor the content to see if we needed to have any conversations. How convenient that the author made Edward and Bella get married before they had sex, even though Bella was only 18...and marrying a vampire. So, my daughter thinks vampires are the coolest thing right now...I remember being at her age though. I read an article in Seventeen magazine one time about girls that practice Wicca, and I remember wanting to be a witch...and I mentioned it to my grandma and she banned Seventeen from the house. hehe be young and silly like that again. The emotions in the book are so easy to relate to, as I remember my relationship with my 11 year olds father...we were high school sweethearts and my world revolved around him. I was devastated when he left, I thought I would surely die. But....I totally didn't, and he's a balding jerkface now....haha. :)
OK...I think this is long enough for now, especially since I should be working. Oops!
Anyway, as of today, it seems as if the world is in turmoil over the financial crisis and the election, and "oh-my-gosh-what-are-we-going-to-do?"-ness. And as much as it sounds weird, I'm totally not freaked out. I've never been much of a political person, so I don't get as involved in it as maybe I should...I don't know, it just seems like people who keep tabs on everything going on in the world of politics are really stressed out. Like my grandma for instance...I swear, she emails me DAILY about the party she is not going to vote for (sorry, not making any political endorsements here...hehe)...and how I should be really concerned over the fate of our nation, yada yada yada. Even though she and I are both Christian, she truly feels that the fate of this country is in the hands of a person, rather than God...and I guess if I felt that way, maybe I'd be a little more freaked out. But this country has gone through several presidents, Democrat and Republican alike, and bad stuff has happened, but we've ridden the roller coaster and usually ended up okay. So...I'm pretty sure we'll end up okay again, regardless of who gets into office. God has a plan, and he can work his plan through whomever He chooses. Sorry, didn't really mean to get on a spiritual soapbox, but that's my thought on that.
Moving life seems to be pretty good right now. My girls are healthy, and growing and learning and being overall good kids. Of course they get on my nerves sometimes, and the baby waking up at 4am for the past month has been wearing on my energy...but I'm thankful that we've been safe, we have a roof over our heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, beds to sleep in, etc etc. Being thankful for those basic needs makes me realize how much more I have to be thankful for because we do have some of the things we "want" too. I've been teaching my daughter's 1st grade class about the economy at an age appropriate level though a program called Junior's been pretty neat to watch them learn, and understand the difference between a "need" and a "want". They are learning about families and their role in a community, how they work together to help each other, that people have to work in order to receive money to pay for the things they need and want, etc. And I feel good that I have the opportunity to be involved at my daughters' school (my 1st and 6th grader go to the same school). Hubby and I are arguing less, and when we do argue, it's more about trivial annoyances than huge issues...we've been married a little less than a year, but have been together for 3 years this month. So, I think we've sorted through most of the big issues...and I thank God that we're on the same page for a majority of those issues, or we can see the other's view point on the things we don't necessarily agree 100% on. Whew!
For stuff outside being a mom, I am trapped in the darn Twilight saga along with a gajillion other moms out there. I started reading it because my 11 year old daughter wanted to read the books, and I was going to read them along with her to monitor the content to see if we needed to have any conversations. How convenient that the author made Edward and Bella get married before they had sex, even though Bella was only 18...and marrying a vampire. So, my daughter thinks vampires are the coolest thing right now...I remember being at her age though. I read an article in Seventeen magazine one time about girls that practice Wicca, and I remember wanting to be a witch...and I mentioned it to my grandma and she banned Seventeen from the house. hehe be young and silly like that again. The emotions in the book are so easy to relate to, as I remember my relationship with my 11 year olds father...we were high school sweethearts and my world revolved around him. I was devastated when he left, I thought I would surely die. But....I totally didn't, and he's a balding jerkface now....haha. :)
OK...I think this is long enough for now, especially since I should be working. Oops!
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